Power Is In The Food We Eat.
my visit with my oncologist, whom I see every six months, and he is always in awe to see how well I’m doing without any medication, and still, my cancer count has been going down for five long years. What medication are you taking? He teased. Since I am doing so well, I am now on a once a years visit. Yeah! How awesome is that?
Organic plant-based Foods are my medicine; It keeps me strong and healthy despite my cancer.
It is incredible what eating healthy can do; It is a crucial weapon for disease prevention and, like me living healthy with my disease. What goes into our mouths every day has the power to affect the lives we live. Clean Foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants our bodies need to be healthy and fight diseases
It’s no wonder food is so powerful; God, who created everything around us, also created vegetation.
Read how my life turned from stage IV blood cancer to living healthy by changing my diet to plant-based foods
Let me know if you would like a free copy of my book Cancer: A True Story Of Courage, Hope And Survival. I will be giving away 3 books.